Friday, 29 June 2012

Strange childhood

My Dad has a habit of emailing me random kid photos quite a bit. I wasn't expecting this one though. This is me (I must be under 10yrs old) being used for one of my mums photography projects. I have NO IDEAAA what the brief was but it looks like I suffered child abuse growing up! I can actually vaguely remember this as well.. it IS me...not a potato under that tin foil. See. You can just see my human teeth underneath.

Oh dear.

Monday, 25 June 2012

You are now watching the throne...

Don't let me get in my zone...

I heard reviews of the Watch The Throne tour with Kanye himself saying, 'if this is your first gig, it's all downhill from here.' Man O man, I think this has to be true. I welcome an artist to make me eat my words here but I honestly don't think that gig will be topped in a long, long time. That shit was fuckin' KRAY!!!

Birmingham was the last gig of the tour, not just UK but worldwide, so everyone was pretty damn excited. Usually arena gigs can be a bit disappointing but everything about it was absolutely insane! Great performances, the set, the sound and amazing visuals with fire, lasers and two massive video cube stages that rose out of the crowd with Jay Z and Kanye on either side.

The end was just off it though. Huge circle pits had opened up for the encore of 'niggas in paris' and I happily threw myself in there coming out with plenty of bruises the next day. What I didn't realise until searching youtube and hearing other people was that BEYONCE and KIM KARDASHIAN fully got in the circle pit. No joke. They stopped 'niggas in paris' to rewind, open up the pit and play it again..I didn't realise at the time but it makes sense now why I saw some huge bouncers pushing everyone away which was pretty impossible so Jay just shouts 'FUCK IT...AGEENNNN!' as you'll see on these fan videos I found on youtube!! Props to Beyonce just wanting to have a good time!!

(Oh and Kanye stage dives too!)

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Sunday Tune

  Hibiscus Pacific by Greeen Linez

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

A homage to the 90s.

Some things I remember wearing growing up in the 90s. In no particular order:

Snake skin crop top with matching pedal pushers. Platforms. Kangol hat. Fubu long sleeved top. Pink & purple hair. Levi jeans. GAP hoody. Backwards caps. US Brass. Space age make up (pre millenium) Pineapple hair. Dungarees. Adidas poppers. Combats. Baggy jeans. Flares. Centre partings. Hologram eye necklace. Hairbraids. HAIR MASCARA! Side ponytails.

Monday, 18 June 2012

Danny Brown - Grown Up


Thursday, 14 June 2012

Diesel dogs in sunglasses

This is ace!

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Mercury fountain

Something I completely forgot to blog about that I saw almost 2 months ago whilst in Barcelona was the mercury fountain at the Miro museum. It was absolutely mesmerising watching the little drops of mercury cascade down, hitting each other and reforming as bigger ones. I weren't allowed to film or take photos but I managed to find a video on youtube. (play it in HD.) It doesn't really do it justice unless you see it in person though...

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Banana Chair

Beautiful and creative chair design.

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Review of Ridley Scott's 'Prometheus'

I was kind of enjoying the first half of Prometheus - Ridley Scott's prequel to Alien. I'd got my Orange Wednesday text and although the plot was pretty woolly and I'm not big into sci-fi, it was visually exciting and the (mild) suspense had me drawn in. That was until there was a scene where the main female character had to perform a grotesque and graphic caesarian on herself to remove an alien foetus. *gag* Let me rewind about 8 years when I randomly fainted in science class. That one little experience seemed to trigger a fear of fainting for me...I even fainted in another science lesson because I saw a boy faint...he, from talk about blood, but I just did because of my irrational phobia. Stupid I know. From gore not bothering me at all I became sensitive to anything potentially related to possibly making me faint. Especially abdominal injuries.

Having not fainted in a good number of years I thought I was over it. But I just realised my non fainting streak was probably due to not watching horror films! (Prometheus is hardly a horror by the way).

So anyway, I blacked out. I tried limply tapping on Rogs arm to let him know I was a goner but the film was just too fascinating. When I came around a minute later, sweating profusely, I got up to try and get some fresh air. I didn't make it out the dark corridor before I fell to the floor and started dry heaving. SO DRAMATIC. What would of made it AMAZING would of been if I had made it out of the main doors, into the lobby and started doing that. IMAGINE the kids faces and ticket sales! Needless to say, I didn't enjoy the rest of the film. 1 star *.