Thursday 7 June 2012

Review of Ridley Scott's 'Prometheus'

I was kind of enjoying the first half of Prometheus - Ridley Scott's prequel to Alien. I'd got my Orange Wednesday text and although the plot was pretty woolly and I'm not big into sci-fi, it was visually exciting and the (mild) suspense had me drawn in. That was until there was a scene where the main female character had to perform a grotesque and graphic caesarian on herself to remove an alien foetus. *gag* Let me rewind about 8 years when I randomly fainted in science class. That one little experience seemed to trigger a fear of fainting for me...I even fainted in another science lesson because I saw a boy faint...he, from talk about blood, but I just did because of my irrational phobia. Stupid I know. From gore not bothering me at all I became sensitive to anything potentially related to possibly making me faint. Especially abdominal injuries.

Having not fainted in a good number of years I thought I was over it. But I just realised my non fainting streak was probably due to not watching horror films! (Prometheus is hardly a horror by the way).

So anyway, I blacked out. I tried limply tapping on Rogs arm to let him know I was a goner but the film was just too fascinating. When I came around a minute later, sweating profusely, I got up to try and get some fresh air. I didn't make it out the dark corridor before I fell to the floor and started dry heaving. SO DRAMATIC. What would of made it AMAZING would of been if I had made it out of the main doors, into the lobby and started doing that. IMAGINE the kids faces and ticket sales! Needless to say, I didn't enjoy the rest of the film. 1 star *.

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