Friday 14 October 2011

Lots of tech (IOS 5)

I was a proper geek and stayed up late the other night to get the new IOS 5. Very snazzy. At first glance it doesn't seem like a dramatic change but there's actually tonnes of improvements which makes it feel like a brand new phone for a while. :) The new notification centre is great! I had a text (or should I SAY iMESSAGE! *geek snort*) off a friend saying that IOS 5 wasn't even that different. An hour later I had another message off the same friend saying 'wow I just found the pull down menu.' I haven't tested out the location based reminders but I think they'll be very handy. The new facebook update is especially cool with a twitter style side bar.
In other needs shaking up a bit, I'm unfulfilled.

This post is too text heavy for your short attention spans so I'll show you my desktop background.

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