Tuesday 8 November 2011

When copywriters go bad (well almost)

My copywriter Jenny sits opposite me. We share the same phone and whenever someone rings us they always get mixed up even though Jenny has a much posher telephone voice than me. In fact, some people would say her real voice might as well be her telephone voice.

Today her computer started making a sound like it's about to take off. It's so loud that the other creatives thought the constant whirring was the faint sound of DIY going on next door. IT tried their usual trick saying to turn it off and on again but after excitable Ben the IT guy came up to inspect, he confirmed it's, pretty much, fucked it. Which might probably mean that she'll be getting a sparkly new mac. A MAC. WITH INDESIGN. Which means, pretty much, that my job has,  fucked it.

Unless they give her a PC.

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